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#noxious造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.相反,燃烧轮胎会产生有害的污染物,二氧化硫。

2、They are also better equipped to remove sulphur dioxide and other noxious gases.为消除二氧化硫和其他有毒气体的排放,他们的也拥有更好的设备。

3、Formation of combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition.热分解时会产生可燃有毒的气体。

4、The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.这次坠毁将一种有害的落叶剂洒入星球的生态系统中,破坏着当地的植物群。

5、The noxious air likely results from a combination of natural and man-made sources, said Bell.Bell说,有害的空气很可能是由自然和人为双重因素造成的。

6、Certain air pollutants become more reactive and form noxious compounds in photochemical reactions.某些空气污染物在光化学反应中变得活性更强,形成有毒的化合物。

7、And children were warned not to play outside in the noxious air.儿童更接获警告,不要到外面有毒的空气中玩耍。

8、Aconitum is one of an important officinal and noxious plant.乌头是一种重要的药用和有毒植物之一。

9、Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.重工业排放的有毒化学物质污染着我们的河流。

10、Wyvern Sting - Required. This is a prerequisite for Noxious Stings and Black Arrow.翼龙钉刺- 必选,为了引出毒液钉刺和黑蚀箭。

11、From toxic toys to noxious nightwear.从有毒玩具到有害睡衣。

12、Noxious gases had built up in the sewer.下水道 的有害气体越积越多。

13、Stimulation of the right saphenous nerve with strong electric pul-ses was used as noxious stimulus.用强的方波串刺激施于动物的右后肢隐神经,作为伤害性刺激。

14、In the shelter's 64 year history, no dog had ever survived the chamber's noxious fumes.她简直不能相信自己的眼睛,因为在这个动物收容所长达64年的历史中,没有一只被送到毒气室来的小狗还能生还!

15、Many household products give off noxious fumes.很多家用产品散发有害气体。

16、The noxious hot - weighty gas subsiding to ground will be harm to human and plants.有毒热重气体沉降到地面会对人和动植物造成危害。

17、Chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed化学物质混合后会放出有毒气体

18、Constant moisture and noxious chemicals ruin displays.持续散发出的湿气和有毒化学物质会毁坏展品。

19、Emissions of greenhouse gases and other noxious chemicals are a worry.温室气体和其他有毒化学品排放令人忧心。

20、But the meat must be cooked, which will kill any noxious pathogens before you eat it.但是这些肉必须煮熟,在你吃前必须杀死所有有害病原体。

21、of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution.指大气污染中有毒的臭气。

22、An especially noxious instance is the Patriot Act.其 * 别有害的一个例子。

noxious翻译a. 有害的, 有毒的, 使道德败坏的【医】 有害的, 有毒的 详情




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